Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3-Minute Brass Trio Original Composition

When I wrote this composition I was thinking that this melody I made was the first time of being a 3-minute long. When I was finishing this, it was a hard work because it got me too much focus. Well I guess this is the last song I made for the Noteflight site but it was a great site for making songs.

Monday, May 28, 2012

 Hyper-linked Title Speed (1-5) Needs Flash (y/n)Saving Online (0-5) Saving Offline (0-5) Quality of included loops (0-5) Quality and Ease of Recording (0-5) Social Networking and Sharing (0-5) Total Score
Aviary's Music Creator    5 y 5 3 4 5 4 26
beatlab  4 y 5 1 4 5 5 24
Audiotool  2 y 2 0 3 3 3 13
Soundation   5 y 4 0 5 4 3 21
JamStudio  4 y 3 0 3 3 2 15

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

1-Minute Melody Revision 3

I featured a french horn part with a better quality. I only made changes with French horn to make like an orchestra. I made this because I would say this melody must have more instruments to make a good soundtrack instead of just a small melody.

Monday, May 7, 2012

1-Minute Melody Revision 2

I changed more in drum patterns like going in tempo. On each line I edit parts of the notes into a fast cymbals . I changed a little with the bass line at the end, which I made half note with tie and slur. I did this changes because going in slow motion is like its not making sense so I revised this in good way. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1-Min Melody Revision 1

I've looked and listen to their melody and some of them sounds good. Otherwise, each of melody looks like smaller than 1-minute and maybe they should make a little bit longer. Even the ending doesn't sound nice; it's like is still going, they should end with cymbals. The drum patterns have some part in slow motion and fast motion repeated. I've looked that their titles should make a little more specific for a better melody.

Here's the link to listen my melody. http://soundcloud.com/user1565134/fountain-of-dreams-rev1

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Adding Harmony, Bass Line and Drum Set Pattern

   I chose these chords because I really want to use some part of the notes in tempo. I used the bass line to make it sound more instead of one instrument. For the drum pattern, I created them in repetition to have a nice rhythm and also for the ending, I finished with Cymbals in whole notes. That makes a better ending melody.

Here's the video for this melody

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

1 minute Melody in G Major

I created this melody in some repetition part. I am not that creative with rhymes in a melody. For me creating random melody is easy for me to go on fast. I chose 110 for my tempo because I'm really used for the short ones and taking the long one makes crappy. The only lesson I'm gonna teach to someone is to create random rhymes that it will make easy.