Friday, February 17, 2012

Harmonize the First 8-Bar Melody

A chord is a group of three or more notes sounding or sticking together. It is like three whole notes standing on the same spot. Chord progression organize the chords into groups; any of the tones that must be played at the same instant. I chose my chord progression of 3 whole notes staying on top at the same spot. It is not that hard to do this; you only need to move the whole note upward.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My First 8 bars

When I was composing "Wind Dawn" it inspired me about "fresh wind before sunrise". The hardest part of the composition is the difference between treble clef and bass clef notes. I enjoyed creating notes that sounds sweet in tones and not making it sloppy. I would to advise another person to understand differences of notes in treble clef because it's not the same in other clefs.
Here is a screen shot of my composition song:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Composer Study 1

This song includes bass guitar, tenor saxophone, keyboard, and drums. Simon LeBon is the vocalist. The genre of this song is New Wave. The song was composed by the band "Duran Duran". According to Duran Duran Fan Community, the names of the band members are Nick Rhodes, John Taylor, and Roger Taylor. Three songs that I didn't know about are "Planet Earth", "Careless Memories", and "Girls on Film".